Today I will discuss ABSENT MINDEDNESS.
Today, everyone in the world is ridden with absent-mindedness, including
you and me and if it has become a tendency, then you must not ignore it.
You must take proper medication. There are very good medicines in
Homeopathy, which you can take as per your symptoms. I won’t be able to tell
you about all the medicines, but I will cover all the common medicines and
common symptoms.
So friends, let us start.
So friends, the first medicine for absent-mindedness is ACONITE 200.
So the symptom of Aconite is that the patient forgets the date and also
forgets the recent events which happen in his life and but still remembers the
old events. So friends, in such symptom the patient must take Aconite 200 - 4
drops twice daily for 1 week, and if even then also the patient does not get
relief then he should take 4 drops once in a week, then if this symptom matches
with yours i.e. you forget the recent incidents or date, then you will get 100
% relief from Aconite.
Friends, its next medicine is AETHUSA CYNAPIUM 200
In this, the patient has an inability to fix his mind. His mind is restless
and he is not able to take any decisions in his life because he is always
absent-minded. So this type of patient must take Aethusa 200 – 4 drops once a week for some weeks, then this type of complaint will be solved.
Friends, its next medicine is AGARICUS 200
I want to tell you one thing that this absent-mindedness not only affects adults and old people but also affects children. For example, you gave your
child a lesson to learn but he repeatedly forgets it and you are very tense that your child is weak and weak-minded. This does not mean he is weak-minded,
he sometimes has absent-mindedness. So if you or someone else have a child
like this, then you should give such child Agaricus 200 – 2 drops once in a
week and after giving this medicine you will see your child has become active
and whatever you will teach him, he will attentively learn and answer you.
Friends, its next medicine is AGNUS 200
You have to take AGNUS 200 – 4 drops once a week. So the patient of
Agnus is tired of his sexual thoughts and excessive masturbation habit and
because of this such patient always suffers from absent-mindedness. The patient
went to the bazaar to purchase some items and because of absent-mindedness due to
excessive masturbation, the patient leaves the items in the bazaar. So this type of
patient must take Agnus 200 – 4 drops once in a week, then within 3-4 weeks, such patient will get great relief.
Friends, its next medicine is ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE- 200.
This also you have to take 4 drops once a week. Friends, in these types of mental cases you have to take medicines in 200 potencies and you don’t have to
take in medicines 30 potencies on daily basis. So in this, apart from weak memory
the patient sometimes forgets his memory for some time 5 minutes or 2 minutes and after that, the
memory comes back. So in such symptoms, the patient must take Anacardium 200 – 4
drops once in a week for some weeks, then such type of problem will be cured.
Friends, its next medicine is BARYTA CARB -200
Baryta carb is a medicine that does not see age. If in old age this
problem occurs and the patient has absent-mindedness, whatever the reason may
be, then the patient must take baryta Carb 200 – 4 drops once in a week, this
problem will be cured.
Friends, the next medicine’s name is BOVITSA 200.
We give Bovista 200 to that patient who is suffering from urticaria
(skin problem). If a patient is suffering from urticaria and has rashes
everywhere in the body and because of this the patient is suffering absent-mindedness. So if you are disturbed by urticaria or skin problem and have absent-mindedness, such patient can take Bovista 200 – 4 drops once in a week,
both the urticaria and absent-mindedness will be cured.
Friends, its next medicine is LAC CANINUM - 200.
Its patient has such absent-mindedness that the patient goes to market,
purchases certain items, makes the payment, and then forgets that item. If this
happens rarely then it is a coincidence. But Lac Caninum’s patient regularly
makes payment to purchase certain items and forget to take the item and comes
back empty-handed and then again goes back to get that item.
So such patient must take Lac Caninum 200 – 4 drops once a week for
some weeks, then this type of problem will be cured. Friends, its next medicine
is Thyroid whose full name is THYROIDINUM. Friends, if a patient is suffering
from Thyroid and the patient automatically becomes absent-minded.
So if a thyroid’s patient has absent-mindedness,
then such patients must take Thyroidinum 200 – 4 drops once every week,
then their thyroid problem including absent-mindedness will be slowly cured.
Friends, its next and best medicine is SULPHUR -200
Sulfur is antipsoric and homeopathy’s best medicine. Its patient forgets
the names and words of itself and family members, so you can give such patients
Sulphur 200 – 4 drops once in a week and after some time you will see that this
condition of the patient will be cured and his absent-mindedness will be cured.
Friends, next medicine’s name is GLONOINE -200
In this, you went out from your home or office normally, but you forget
the building in which you live, you forget the road on which you travel. All
these memories go out of your head for some time, so such a patient must take
Glonoine 200 – 4 drops once in a week, then this absent-mindedness will be
Friends, next medicine’s name is KALI BROM -200
Kali Brom is the best medicine for absent-mindedness. You are going to
talk to someone or even to your friend and you sit down to talk and then you
forget the topic about which you were going to talk about. So if this symptom matches with yours, then you can take Kali Brom 200 – 4 drops once in a week,
this type of problem will be cured. Friends, opposite to this medicine, there
Friends, next medicine’s name is CANNABIS INDICA -200
So you have to take Cannabis Indica 200 – 2 drops once a week. The
main difference between this medicine and KALI BROM is that the patient of
Cannabis Indica has normal conversation but forgets in the middle about what he
was talking about. So Cannabis Indica’s patient forgets in the middle and Kali
Brom’s patient forgets in the beginning.
Friends, next medicine’s name is VANADIUM 200
I want to tell you the GOLDEN
medicine for absent-mindedness that if you want to increase and sharpen your
memory, then you can take VANADIUM 200 – 4 drops once every week and in case of the child then VANADIUM 200 – 2 drops once every week, then nor you neither your
child will never have absent-mindedness.
This article is strictly for information purposes only and is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. This blog doesn't take any responsibility for any harm, side-effect, illness, and health problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.